You can get an extra 3% in your Kiwisaver account from your employer!
If you are saving with your Kiwisaver through your work, your employer must also contribute at least
3% of your salary – on top of your pay – into your Kiwisaver account, helping to grow your savings
faster! -
The Government will contribute to your Kiwisaver account too!
For every dollar you pay into your Kiwisaver account between 1 July-30 June, the Government will
contribute 50 cents, up to a maximum of $521 – and you can receive this every year! -
Saving with Kiwisaver makes you an investor!
Kiwisaver is not a savings account – it is an investment fund, pooled together with the money of
other Kiwisaver members to invest into securities such as shares, bonds, property and cash
investments. As you pay into your Kiwisaver account, your fund provider invests those funds to help
increase your returns over time. -
You can decide what type of fund suits you to invest in!
There are five different types of funds – defensive, conservative, balanced, growth and aggressive –
with the increased level of risk potentially seeing greater returns. It is important to understand the
financial impact of choosing one type of fund over another, as the difference could be thousands of
dollars if you are saving over the long term! -
For most people, Kiwisaver is a long-term investment so there will be ups and downs!
Just like other investments, Kiwisaver has ups and downs! While it may seem like a good idea to
switch to a more conservative fund when you see you a fall in your savings, you risk locking in losses
rather than taking advantage of gains when the market recovers. If you are investing in Kiwisaver
over the long-term, you have time to see your investment pick up again and grow! -
You can choose which Kiwisaver provider to invest with!
It is completely your choice which Kiwisaver provider to save with! If you sign up to Kiwisaver
through your employer and don’t elect a fund, you will be signed up to a default Kiwisaver scheme
which automatically puts you in a balanced fund with a government-appointed provider. You can
choose to move to a different scheme at any time, though it is important to seek financial advice to
make sure it’s the right move for you. -
You can find out exactly how your funds are invested!
All Kiwisaver providers are legally required to provide quarterly fund updates to their investors,
which has important information about how the fund is performing, where they invest their funds
and their investment mix, risks of investing and fees charged. -
Saving with Kiwisaver can help you into your first home!
If you have been saving with Kiwisaver for at least three years, you may be able to withdraw most of
your savings to put towards a house deposit. You may also be eligible to apply for a First Home
Buyers grant from Kainga Ora, who can offer up to $10,000 towards your first home! -
There are strict regulations in place to ensure your money is in safe hands!
Kiwisaver providers must be licenced by the Financial Markets Authority and are audited regularly to
ensure funds are being invested responsibly. Also, Kiwisaver providers don’t hold investors funds –
they are held by a third-party trust, so if the provider runs into financial trouble, they are unable to
dip into Kiwisaver funds! -
Kiwisaver is an extremely popular savings incentive!
In 2021, the number of people invested in Kiwisaver was over 3 million

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